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Artie Wachter

Artie Wachter
Posted on: 04/13/2016

To say Artie Wachter leads an active lifestyle is a major understatement. When he learned he had prostate cancer, Artie did some research to find out what kind of treatment would help him beat cancer and get him back to his lifestyle as fast as possible. He found that advanced technology and the doctor to help him at The Cancer Center. The technology is the CyberKnife. The physician is Dr. Allison Grow. Today, you’ll see Artie outside competing in a variety of sports each and every day. There’s no sign of prostate cancer. Artie Wachter is back.

Artie says that it did set him back momentarily when he heard his diagnosis. But very shortly, he was back to himself and applied his confidence, hope and spirit to beating his disease. Artie agreed to share his story as part of our “I Will” campaign, which celebrates the strength and spirit of patients like him. He hopes his story will inspire others.

Artie Wachter
Posted on: 04/13/2016

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